APAture 2015: Future Tense
Comics and Illustration Showcase
Kearny Street Workshop, the Bay Area’s hub for Asian Pacific American arts, proudly presents APAture, a multi-day, multidisciplinary arts festival featuring a lineup of some of today's most exciting emerging artists from the San Francisco Bay Area.
Comics & Illustration Showcase >>>
at San Francisco Main Public Library (Hispanic/Latino Room)
100 Larkin St., San Francisco
Saturday, October 10, 12-5pm
Co-presented by the San Francisco Public Library and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Featured Artists: Thi Bui
Showcase Artists: Bo, Brian Canio, Mei-Hsuang Chiang,
Ka Yan Cheung, Sam Coaass, Trinidad Escobar, Cynthia Fong,
Lam Giang, Lamnho Giang, Ellis Kim, Vincent Kukua,
Michael Manomivibul, Minnie Phan, Sherwin Viray, Cecilia Wong (Bios)
Workshop Schedule:
12pm-12:30pm: Traditional art demo by Michael Manomivibul
1pm-1:30pm: Betsy Gomez of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund discusses censorship in comics, with attention to Asian cartoonists
2pm-2:30pm: Cecilia Wong discusses color theory, with examples of her gorgeous illustration work
3pm-3:30pm: Ka Yan Cheung leads discussion with other CCA comics students about memoirs and other topics
4pm-4:30pm: François Luong interviews featured artist Thi Bui about her work and upcoming book, The Best We Could Do
Curators: Wahab Algarmi, François Luong
Admission: FREE

@MsThiBui | www.thibui.com


www.themaskedone.smackjeeves.com | Instagram: samcoaass



@timefiddler | http://timefiddler.com



minniephan.com | https://instagram.com/minniephan_/
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