APAture 2016: Here
Opening Reception & Visual Arts Showcase
Kearny Street Workshop, the Bay Area’s hub for Asian Pacific American arts, proudly presents APAture, a multi-day, multidisciplinary arts festival featuring a lineup of some of today's most exciting emerging artists from the San Francisco Bay Area.
Visual Arts Showcase >>>
at Arc Gallery & Studios
1246 Folsom St., San Francisco
September 30th - October 15th
Co-presented by Arc Gallery & Studios
Opening Reception: Friday, September 30th, 6-10pm
Gallery Hours: Wednesdays & Thursdays, 1-6pm; Saturdays, 12-3pm
Featured Artist: Nina Vichayapai (bios)
Showcase Artists: Guoveng Cheng, Kunlin He, Tina Kashiwagi, Colin Kimzey, Sarah Lee, Mariela Montero, Topher Maka, Maia Paroginog,
Paolo Salazar, Leslie Samson Tabakin, Sasha Vu, Jeremy Keith Villaluz (bios)
Performance: Layla A. (bios)
Curators: Kimberley Acebo Arteche, Anthony Bongco, Francis Calimlim, Dara Katrina Del Rosario, Diana Li, Topher Maka, Mariela Montero
Admission: FREE