Community Artists Professional Skills Building Workshops
Hospitality House’s Community Arts Program, in collaboration with Kearny Street Workshop, is co-hosting a series of free workshops aimed to give any SOMA community artists the tools required to take their art career to a more professional level. Through an initiative between the Mayor’s Office of Housing and the SOMA Community Stabilization Fund, we will make these workshops available to any community artists at no cost.
Day 1- Monday, March 24th, 6–8 PM: Portfolio Preparation
Facilitator: Weston Teruya (San Francisco Arts Commission)
What goes into an artist portfolio? Learn to prepare a robust portfolio to properly represent you and your work. This course will also teach the artist how to objectively critique their own work in order to create a cohesive body of work.
Day 2- Tuesday, March 25th, 6–8 PM: Putting Together an Artist Packet
Facilitator: Annice Jacoby (Author of Mission Muralismo)
An artist packet is the first thing that galleries, curators, and grants want to see regarding you and your work. This course will guide you through the requisite elements of an effective artist packet, including how to write a compelling artist statement, biography, curriculum vitae (CV), and cover letter.
Day 3 - Wednesday, March 26, 6–8 PM: Promoting Your Work
Facilitator: Marc O’Brien (California College of the Arts)
Artists will learn the basic tools of self-promotion– from designing postcards and business cards to email campaigns and social networks and setting up a website.
Day 4 - Thursday, March 27 (6–8 PM): Art Into Income
Facilitator: Piero Spadaro (Director, Hang Art Gallery)
What are galleries looking for in professional artists? How do you tailor your portfolio for a specific, intended recipient? This course will provide insight into ways to sell your artwork through galleries, the Internet, retail and street outlets, and how to research grant opportunities.
Wednesday, April 9, 6–8 PM: Teacher's Critique
Facilitators will critique workshop participants’ portfolios and discuss experiences with the workshop.
Friday, April 18, 6–8 PM: Graduation Event
Participants will share their final portfolio and have the option to be reviewed by a gallery professional
These courses are free, but space is limited, so please register early by visiting: For more information, contact Ivan Vera at 415-553-4525, ext. 304 or - OR - TJ Basa at 415-503-0525 or

The Community Artists Professional Skills Building Workshop series is made possible by the SOMA Community Collaborative’s Community Action Grants funded by the SOMa Community Stabilization Fund.
(Image: Courtesy of Hospitality House.)
Hospitality House is a community center serving homeless and poor residents of San Francisco's Tenderloin, Mid-Market,and Sixth Street Corridor.