Sunday, June 19th, 12-2pm
Arc Gallery & Studios
1246 Folsom St., San Francisco
Tuition: $15-$20 sliding scale
Does writing have to be a static, silent practice? The cliché involves a writer hunched over her notepad or laptop, toiling alone and nearly motionless for days at a time. But writing always involves movement—the blood in our veins, the breath in our lungs, and the movement through imaginal space and time that is the creative process. It also involves rhythms that are unique to each writer. In this innovative workshop, we will explore how our writing process can be enhanced and expanded through movement and music. We will break our writing down into rhythms, and we will dare to get up from the desk and move as we learn new ways to develop a more meditative, grounded writing practice. No writing experience is necessary.
Recommended reading: The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life, Twyla Tharp
REGISTER: https://kearnystreet.submittable.com/submit/59094

Poet, writer, painter, photographer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, singer, dancer and teacher of the Argentine tango, Mộng-Lan left her native Vietnam on the last day of the evacuation of Saigon. Winner of a Pushcart Prize, the Juniper Prize, the Great Lakes Colleges Association’s New Writers Awards for Poetry, she is the author of eight books and chapbooks, the most recent of which is One Thousand Minds Brimming. Other books include Song of the Cicadas; Why is the Edge Always Windy?, Tango, Tangoing: Poems & Art; Tango, Tangueando: Poemas & Dibujos (the bilingual Spanish-English edition); Love Poem to Tofu & Other Poems. Mong-Lan’s poetry has been nationally and internationally anthologized to include being in Best American Poetry; The Pushcart Book of Poetry: Best Poems from 30 Years of the Pushcart Prize; Asian American Poetry: the Next Generation; Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond (Norton); and has appeared in leading American literary journals. A Stegner Fellow at Stanford University and a Fulbright Fellow in Vietnam, she received her Master of Fine Arts from the University of Arizona. Visit:http://www.monglan.com/