Literary Showcase | APAture 2014: Focus on Emerging Asian Pacific American Artists
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Kearny Street Workshop, the Bay Area’s hub for Asian Pacific American arts, proudly presents APAture, a multi-day festival featuring a lineup of some of the most exciting emerging artists in the San Francisco Bay Area today.
Literary Showcase >>>
at Arc Gallery, 1246 Folsom, San Francisco
Sponsored by Poets & Writers, Inc.
Saturday, September 27, 8-11pm
Featuring: Lehua M. Taitano (Read interview.)
Also Featuring: Jennifer S. Cheng, Susan Calvillo, Calvin Fantone, Dickson Lam, Robert Ricardo Reese, Janice Sapigao, Jaz Sufi, Brandon Young
Opening Act: Koko Griffin
Curators: Jason Bayani, Sean Labrador Y Manzano, Dan Lau, Jaz Sufi
Admission: $5-10 sliding scale
More Events: Visual Arts, Comics & Illustration, Music, Performing Arts, Film
Image courtesy of Lehua M. Taitano