Film Showcase | APAture 2014: Focus on Emerging Asian Pacific American Artists
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Kearny Street Workshop, the Bay Area’s hub for Asian Pacific American arts, proudly presents APAture, a multi-day festival featuring a lineup of some of the most exciting emerging artists in the San Francisco Bay Area today.
at The New Parkway, 474 24th Street, Oakland
Co-presented by Center for Asian American Media and The New Parkway
Sunday, October 5, 12-3pm
"Cold Spring" (26 min) | Shiyan Feng (FEATURED ARTIST)
Being a single parent can be hard. Being the child of that parent is even harder. Featured Artist Shiyan Feng touches on familiar experiences of strained familial relationships in “Cold Spring.” Shot in Feng’s hometown Jilin in northeast China, the film portrays a father trying to make up for lost time when he learns his estranged daughter is getting married. Making barely enough as a driver and still raising a 12-year old son on his own, his efforts to reconnect may be too late.
"2050: A Room of His Own" (8 min) | Juhee So
Do we have better dreams since the advent of the technology? Juhee So’s sci-fi short “2050: A Room of His Own” asks this question amongst others as it explores the futuristic and lonely world of Jack Grey. Desperate for human contact, Jack’s moody desires reflect our ever-changing times and our innate need to connect.
"Amy" (10 min) | Pawara Soh
At some point, every child leaves the nest to live their own life. In Pawara Soh’s poignant and observant “Amy,” we see a mother’s point of view as she copes with the generational gap between her son in a suddenly solemn home.
"Atmosphere’s Kanye West" (5 min) | Peter Lee
A music video for hip hop group Atmosphere's “Kanye West,” Pete Lee’s video follows a little weekend-long crime spree odyssey of a pair of small time stick-up artists. A modern-day Bonnie & Clyde, the unconventional couple defies expectations with little care of what people think, and they have a damn good time doing it.
"Cut or Not Cut" (6 min) | Lily Chen
In Lily Chen’s “Cut or Not Cut,” Ann has moved to America from China with her parents when she was young. On a Chinese New Year's Eve, her conservative father went to school to pick her up when she was spending some extra time on her art project. But he saw a scene he would never have understood.
"Dead Meadows" (3 min) | Jaime Lastimosa
With surreal imagination in an earthy landscape, Jaime Lastimosa’s “Dead Meadows: is a music video for Balam Acab’s “Apart” that stirs up a bizarre and enchanting lucid dream.
"The Drowned" (7 min) | Dio Chen
Water is coming, and there is no way out. A ragtag group of survivors who must escape the water, or they will drown. As they fight their way to a place of solace, something is undeniably not right. Where exactly are they? Dio Chen’s “The Drowned” is a story of drowning.
"Le Baked Noms" (5 min) | Jerilyn Guerrero
How many 16-year old pastry chefs do you know? Jerilyn Guerrero’s poppy “Le Baked Noms” takes a peek into the world of aspiring pastry chef Claudia and the musical inspirations of her delectable treats. Foodies, get your noms on.
"My Beautiful Resistance" (8 min) | Penny Baldado
In this short autobiographical doc, Penny Baldado documents her obstacles living in America as an undocumented immigrant and a queer person of color in “My Beautiful Resistance”. Heartfelt and honest, those who’ve gone through trying times and live to tell the tale like Penny will know that the struggles we face every day can also be beautiful.
"Pinoi Punk" (10 min) | Rupert Estanislao
Directed by long-time Bay Area punk musician Rupert Estanislao, “Pinoi Punk: Filipino Americans in Punk and Hardcore” explores the world of the little-known subculture of Filipino Americans in the punk world. Cultivating long-lasting bonds and forms of expression, the documentary provides insights to a scene and group of friends as they attend the Filipino punk music festival, Aklasan.
"Pravda Ecstatic" (3 min) | Tsering Norbu
You haven’t quite seen San Francisco or Oakland like this before. Filmmaker Tsering Nobu paints a dreamy yet familiar portrait of the two cities by the Bay in “Pravda Ecstatic”.
Image: Pravda Ecstatic, film still © 2014 Tsering Norbu