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California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission St. San Francisco, CA
September 16th, 7-10pm
Three months. Three writers. Three genres.
The 10th Interdisciplinary Writers Lab has come to a close. Join the 2016 cohort and instructors as they reunite to celebrate the launch of their anthology.
Drinks and bites will be on hand. Copies of the anthology will be on sale.
IWL 2016 Instructors: Ronaldo Wilson (Writing for Performance), Regina Louise (Prose), Brynn Saito (Poetry)
IWL 2016 Cohort: Kemi Alabi, Jari Bradley, Michele Carlson, Derrick Carr, Kayan Cheung, Jaze Earl, Amy Huang, Susan Kanga, Denise Li, Sean Manzano, Matt Nelson, Lark Omura, Zhayra Palma, Lauren Wheeler
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